5 Ways to Enjoy Spending Time as a Family

Simple ways to make spending time together something everyone looks forward to.

Bouncing Forward | Episode 6: Togetherness

Explore ways you can find times of togetherness just by being present in the moment.

Why You Should Stop When Family Life is Improving

Find out why you should stop and celebrate improvements in your family life.

Teach Your Child to Respect Others and Themselves

Help your child understand why respect is important and that differences are something to be celebrated.

Relationships | Episode 6: Breakups

Part of teenage relationships are a few breakups along the way. Find out what your teen really needs from you to help.

Relationships | Episode 5: Challenging Relationships

Learn what you can do if you dislike or disapprove of your teenager’s relationship while still being supportive of them.

Relationships | Episode 4: Positive Relationships

Find out how to talk to your child about positive relationships, consent, and what healthy relationships look like.

Relationships | Episode 3: Setting Boundaries

Find positive ways to set rules and boundaries for your teenager as they start dating without damaging your relationship.

Relationships | Episode 2: First Relationships

Find out about the ages and stages of relationships and what to expect when your teen first starts dating

Relationships | Episode 1: Talking About Relationships

Talking about relationships doesn’t need to be embarrassing. Here are 5 tips to help you get the conversation started.

Refer A Friend

Refer a friend to My Family Coach to help them find the advice they’re looking for.